Ted's Page  K&T-2008-0005.jpg (17962 bytes)

I have decided to try and act like a sports reporter and file an actual account of each race that we attend during the 2008 season.

Anyway, the 2008 season has gotten underway with a BANG!   (Ouch!!!, did I say that?)   Hope you enjoy the story.   Let me know either way.    But probably like most reporters I will take criticism as a positive. (Hey, at least you read it, right!!!)

Ted (The pen is mightier than the sword!) Clement

                            04-05-2008     Madera

                            04-19-2008     Ukiah

                            05-10-2008    Madera

                            05-24-2008     Ukiah

                            05-25-2008     Ukiah

                            05-31-2008   Lakeport

                            06-14-2008   Madera

